Don’t know where adjactly it started but it went out to become huge one. After passing out of GIM, rarely does it happen when so many of batch mates meet up and plan something together. Whether it was Gupta ji’s Big fat Indian (Baniya) wedding or trip to “Vaishno Devi” or Ozaaaa’s birthday celebration and mother of them all, the grand alumni meet.
But this one stands out differently in a way that all of them were well planned in advance but this one happened just in time (JIT). I think half of the people did not even know about the plans. Sugam, Rubal, Sunaina, Nidhi, Ishaan, Rashmi were the few who were informed a night before the trip.
But there is something which brings us together again and again and that too in large number even .I have rarely seen this spirit among fellow MBAs grads from other colleges, for them, if they manage to meet even 5 or 6 of them, it’s a celebration for them. For us, it’s a regular weekend routine which has to be completed as part of our unofficial KPI’s.
GIM, along with other managerial skills (ahem, ahem), has built a thirst in us. A Thirst for group outings, a thirst for outbound trips, a thirst for staying in each other company. After one month of GIM expedition, a pent up demand started building up among all of us and that turned out to be the reason that everybody agreed as soon as asked for the trip.
A night before the trip we (sugam, rubal, anurag & tapan) had few rounds of drinks in Gokul, colaba. Don’t know about Tapan but sugam, rubal, anurag and I were 99% convinced that we would not be able to make it for 7 o’clock morning train and I am sure that many of us were thinking on the same line. Come’ on man, who wakes up at
At that time, I was deadly missing a remote control which would have helped me to “Mute” this creature called Tapan ozaaaaa. In this chaos I could not sleep any next moment. So I myself decided to play devil for a while and interrupt other’s sleep. First obvious target was Anurag bhargava. He was sleeping with his butts at a leg distance from me. I raised my leg to the maximum height possible and here it goes. Bingo…I striked directly on the target. He looked at me angrily and almost pledged for few more moment of sleep. This was one of the happiest moments of my last one week. This bugger has tortured tens of people around him as his
daily routine. But for those few moments, he was at my mercy. My immediate targets were Rubal, Sugam and Sunaina. Oh…Oh…Oh… don’t apply your logical mind. I targeted them through my phone only.
All set, Tapan, Anurag and I boarded a taxi to dadar station. There we met Sudakshna, Sundaram and Nishita waiting for us. The train was right in front of us but we could not board. We missed that all thanks to Rubal and Nidhi. Our Always “confused” nidhi made up her mind just 5 minutes before the train schedule departure from Dadar and she was some 45 minutes away even by the fastest mean possible. Rubal did nothing different and as always lived up to his expectation of being late everytime
Finally, Rubal, Sugam and Sunaina arrived at the station. Now the tally stood at 9. Nidhi was still missing and train was about to arrive in some 5 minutes. Tensions were mounting on everybody’s face. Nobody wanted to miss this train since the next one was an hour after that. Suddenly someones mobile started ringing. Everybody looked for their phone. It was Sunaina’s. Train arrived but there was no sign of Nidhi. Nidhi was right on the station but on a different platform and in that mounting confusion, she missed the train barely by few moments.
So here Journey to matheran started. Chinzi, Abhishek and Ishaan boarded from Thane. Nihit and Reshmi were coming directly from Pune. Nidhi was about to board the next train.

Soon Nidhi, Reshmi & Nihit joined us. The group swelled from 10 initially to 13 and finally to 16. We had a heavy breakfast in the afternoon and were ready for trek. The trek reminded us of kerala Night trek (popularly remembered as “Shit trek”). Rubal had hardest of his time
controlling his “bio” break. After some 2.5 km of trek we reached Matheran city. After searching through 2-3 hotels, we managed to get a good deal. We dropped our baggage, had our lunch and somewhere by

The scene could not have gone any more scarier. One needs to look at the faces of Sunaina, Nishita & Richa, who were with us at that time. Fear was dripping down from
their faces. To add to our woes, we lost our way. But it was all fun watching gals huddled together. The fun was short lived as we found our way and came back to our hotel.
Everybody was dead hungry and as soon as food was served, we jumped on it. Everybody was happy but nobody knew that we had a scandalous night waiting for us. There was something very dirty in the closet which would change the very ground rule of how we used to communicate with each other. But believe me, it was so much fun that everybody left with the same question mark…
“Why it did not happened during our 2 year stay in the campus”?
Before going into much detail, let’s go back to where I left. After dinner we gathered in a single room. The clock was showing near 10 something. It was time for some alcohol. In the menu we had Antiquity Blue, Old Monk, Wine for ladies. Over an above it, we had the Legendary Jack Danials, “Baap” of all the whiskeies. “Euro Trip” on star movies

It was 12 in the night and time for nishita’s birthday celebration and we did that in grand style. Come’on man, after college, this was the second birthday(first was tapans’) of our batch, where so many of us gathered together. Lucky Nishita.
Past 12, we had planned for cards but since no gals was in a mood to walk away to catch some sleep, we left with no option but to postpone it for some more time. Now what to do??? Here came a bouncer from Sundaram, he proposed Nishita to select one person for “Truth or dare”.
And guess what… who was Nishita’s first target... Abhishek, no… It was sundaram himself.
Showing a true Men’s spirit, Sundaram choosed “Dare”.
So what did Nishita asked him to do…. After consulting with lots of dirty minds inside the room. She asked Sundaram to “Kiss Tapan”. Sundaram was pushed to the wall on hearing that.
Tapan’s smiled the blood here. He got something he wished for years. Tapan ki pyassi atma jag chuki thi. He jumped out of his bed to accost sundaram. Sundar back stepped. After nagging for tens of second, he Kissed tapan. Geeeeeee… came the sound from the audience. It all happened in a blink of second that without anyone’s consent, we became part of it. Now there was no option of walking out of the room.
It was Sundar’s turn to choose one and he choose Tapan to take his revenge. To his happiness, Tapan choose “Dare”. It sent all dirty minds back on job and came out with something very weird.
With his bare upper body, Tapan had to fantasize wall as a woman and caress it, feel it and say one thing “Aha baby, o yeah babay, aaha aaha”.
Tapan took no time in doing that. In no second, his shirt was out. He flaunted his tummy the way Mallika Sehrawat do with her assets. He did his task better than to be asked for. For few moments he was totally into that. There went a big round of applause. And from that day onward, instead of usual “hello”, telecon with Tapan starts with “O yeah babay, aaha.. aahaa”.
As expected, Tapan choose Chinzzzi. Continuing the dare devil spirit, chinzzi choose “Dare”. All the dirty minds back on job. Our POGO king Abhishek went back to all the secret folders stored in his mind and came out with one dirty idea. I didn’t know that dirtiest one was saved for me.
Tapan said to Chinzzi… “you have to give blow job”… fuck… all jaws in the room left wide open… everybody stared at Tapan with a big questionmark…. to what??? Tapan had a Devilish smile on his face. “He looked down”… Oh, its goanna be ugly this time…for few seconds everybody held on to their breath… “at an empty bottle”. Ehhhhh…. Chinzzi was dumb shocked but must have relieved thinking that things might have gone dirtier. He did that like a horny babe.
No consultation on this. Tapan seemed to have prepared his set of questions in advance. The question was. “Have you ever made up with a gal before coming to GIM”. Reshmi was all ears for his answer. Ishaan took a thinking stance… everybody thought that something very serious will come out. Reshmi seemed tense for a while. But to her delight, Ishaan answered in a naught. Ahhh.. What man, he must have lied for sure but reshmi was happy for the time being. Our Dude walked away without paying any price.
“Given a chance, which GIM gal you would have preferred to marry”? Buggers left behind a loophole in their question and forgot to mention “batch 2006-2008”. Anurag smartly pointed out that and named “Aditi” from batch 2005-2007. Boooooooooooed… a long booooed followed. Though everyone knew and expecting something known but they wanted anurag himself to confess which unfortunately did not happen because of Ozaaaaaa foolhardiness’.
Anurag selected Sugam rathi. Showing a true dare devil spirit, lamboo choose “Dare”. Lo kar lo baat…who will dare to take pangaa with Soogam. So keeping all the consequences in mind, sugam was just asked to do “saawariya” in ladies format. And he did it in style which made him a contender for best performance. Whistles from gals followed. Tapan showing true “Dostana” spirit joined them in.
Now it was Sugam’s turn and he selected Rubal. Rubal been bearish on the market choose “Truth”. So what kind of question from Rubal could have created excitement? Yeah… You are bang on target; they were related to PC only. One could have actually seen the disadvantages of being in relationship. Like I-zaan, Rubal was asked to bare his past and tell about his past relationship and other than PC, which gal would rubal have fantasized with?” seeing the benchmark of previous tasks, it was expected.
Rubal denied any past relationship (oh yeah…) and answer to second part of the question will stay among those 16 participants. We all knew that Rubal just did what all Mens are good at… “lying”. Let’s move on, there was no point pestering Rubal.
Rubal choose Abhishek. And continuing the couple’s tradition, he choose “Truth”. The question was same as rubals’. “Before coming to GIM, how many gals you made up with and how”? How seemed to e out of context but it was 2 o’clock past midnight and such question were expected. The answer was equally weird. Abhishek said, “ I made up with two gals and with one on the bike at the outskirt of city”. Did someway say bike… abhishek seemed to be playboy for the moment. When asked how come on a bike. He said he could not wait to find a hotel and they made up on the bike itself. how can one do on the bike....hmmm...Whatever…
Now it was abhishek’s turn and he took me to the task. I choose dare and what he asked me to do was dirtiest of the night. Never in my dream could I have imagined that I would be doing such a thing ever in my life…
Stay tuned for the second part… will be here very soon J
nice post man...very well written!
And the "ahha ahha" thing...well, nobody else could have described it better!!
bring on the 2nd part soon!
Very nice post pankazz.... releived that wonderful trip.. and I liek the special emphasis on the truth or dare session
lets have sum more posts from you then?
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